Invoice details 

Informationsteknik Scandinavia AB
Box 42101
126 14 Stockholm

We primarily wish invoices to be sent to us electronically via Peppol 0007:5563657039. Otherwise via GLN 7365563657034, operator Basware, or as a PDF to 

The invoices must contain the following information.

• Our project or purchase number
• Name of our contact person
• Name of your contact person
• Contact details for you, phone number and email address.

Payment terms: 30 days, shorter payment times are not accepted.

Our intention is always to pay on time as long as the invoice is correct. In the case of delays due to us, we only accept reminder fees and interest according to applicable law.

To get in touch with our finance department please email or phone +46 771-445 400

Other information: 

-Organisationsnr: 556365-7039

-Bankgiro: 5611-5629

-IBAN: SE7850000000053851044991